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Public Education Events

Our Public Education Sessions are designed to assist property owners, real estate professionals, and business owners better understand property valuation, tax law, exemptions, and trends in the real estate market. With information and speakers direct from the Property Appraiser’s office, attendees have the opportunity to understand the "whats, whys and hows" of our office and ask any questions to leading experts in the field. These interactive sessions are held in-person in our public classroom at our South County Service Center in St. Petersburg with simultaneous virtual access. Sessions are recorded live via Microsoft Teams and can later be accessed via our YouTube Channel. All sessions begin at 12 Noon. 

Each session is tailored for a particular audience or subject matter relating to the statutory functions of our office and rotate based on time of year. Here is a sample of some of our sessions held to date:

  • First-Time Florida Homeowners (learn about the valuation process and the power Homestead Exemption & the Save Our Homes cap)
  • Understanding Exemptions (homestead, disability, veterans and first-responders, senior, etc...)
  • The New website (learn to effectively navigate the features and tools of the new website) 
  • Real Estate Industry Professionals (sales, title, lenders, attorneys, appraisers, inspectors, insurers)
  • Business Owners (explains the Tangible Personal Property (TPP) Assessment process and exemptions)
  • It's the Law (Understanding Florida Property Tax Law)
  • Understanding Your Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (aka TRIM Notice)
  • After the Storm Answers (Property Tax Saving Guidance for Hurricane Impacted Property Owners)
  • In the Weeds with Deeds (How Ownership Impacts Assessments and Property Taxes)

Check out our upcoming sessions and register below!
You may also go to previously recorded sessions below to watch prior educational sessions on a variety of topics.

March 13: Property Tax Process for Businesses

Businesses have an important role in the Florida Property Tax process, particularly when it comes to their tangible personal property. Tangible Personal property is everything other than real estate that has value, including furniture, fixtures, tools, machinery, household appliances, signs, equipment, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment and any other equipment. Anyone in possession of assets on January 1 who has a proprietorship/partnership/corporation or is a self-employed agent or contractor, must file each year. Property owners who lease, lend or rent property must also file a return with our office by April 1st, 2025.

February 6: Homestead/Save-Our-Homes and Other Tax-Saving Exemptions

Property owners in Pinellas County may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability! In this session, we will discuss the popular Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation as well as some property owners may qualify for exemptions based on their age, income level, disability, and/or veteran or active military status. Join us for a discussion with a panel of Exemption Specialists who will guide you through the qualifying criteria for these tax-saving benefits and answer your questions! 

January 16: After the Storm Answers (Part 2)

We are here to help our impacted property owners navigate through the recovery process. Whether you intend to repair, rebuild, or sell, please join us for important updates and new information that can provide better clarity and save you money.

We will discuss:

  • New State and Local Recovery and Repair Programs;
  • Assessed Value Protection When Repairing/Rebuilding/Elevating the Property;
  • Our Pre-Storm Building Value Reconsideration (BVR) process and how it can help;
  • Difference between our structure value and a private Actual Cash Value appraisal;
  • Structure valuation for condos and townhomes under FEMA rules;
  • Partial Property Tax Refund;
  • And more!

2024 Public Education Sessions
November 14: After the Storm Answers

Did your home get damaged by the recent storms (Hurricane Debby/Helene/Milton)? Was your property uninhabitable for more than 30 days? Do you want to repair/rebuild your home but are concerned what the property tax implications may be? We can help! This session will answer these questions and many more relating to damage to your home.

We will discuss:

  • Assessed Value Protection When Repairing/Rebuilding/Elevating the Property;
  • Understanding the FEMA 50% Rule and Substantial Damage;
  • Our new Pre-Storm Building Value Reconsideration (BVR) process;
  • Difference between our structure value and a private Actual Cash Value appraisal;
  • Partial Property Tax Refund;
  • Emergency Resources;
  • And more!

September 12: Minimizing Missteps | Maximizing Savings

This public education session on property taxes in Florida will provide essential guidance on minimizing missteps and maximizing savings. Attendees will learn about the benefits of applying for the Homestead Exemption and how it compares to the Save Our Homes (SOH) benefit; including the implications of status changes and the fact that Homestead does not automatically transfer to a new home. The session will also cover:

  • The effective use of the tax estimator
  • The proper use of portability when moving
  • Importance of reporting property damage after a storm
  • How renting out your property can impact the Homestead Exemption
  • The consequences of improperly claiming the exemption
  • Much more!

Whether you're a new homeowner or long time homeowner, this session can help everyone!

August 15: Understanding Your Notice of Proposed Property Taxes

The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes, also referred to as Truth-in-Millage (TRIM) Notice, is a very important document relating to your proposed property value and taxes for the current year. Sent out to all property owners in late August, this document includes:

  • Market Value of the property
  • Property Tax Exemptions applied
  • Tax Rates from local taxing authorities
  • Date and time all taxing authorities hold hearings to adopt their tax rates and budgets

We know property owners have many questions when this document arrives in the mail, so this session is designed to answer some commonly asked questions and answer any specific questions you may have to prepare you for the arrival of the TRIM notice and the Tax Bill that arrives in November.

Homeowners and real estate professionals are highly encouraged to join!  

July 18: First-Time Florida Homeowners

Whether you're a first-time homeowner, just acquired your first home in Florida or are presently in the home buying market, property tax law in our state can be confusing. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so you're not caught off guard when your tax bill arrives in November.

We'll break down the role of the Property Appraiser, Taxing Authorities and Tax Collector so you know who does what;

  • Explain how we value properties;
  • Explain how homestead exemption can save you money now, and well into the future;
  • Learn about the value of the Save Our Homes cap
  • Point out important tips when buying or selling a home;
  • And help you avoid common missteps

If you are a new homeowner in Pinellas County, this session may be of particular interest to you!

June 20: PCPAO.Gov Homeowner Tools and Tips

Specifically tailored to new and existing homeowners, join us where we'll unveil the wealth of tools and tips available on Learn how to navigate the website effectively by providing access to essential tools, expert advice, and practical tips to elevate your homeowner experience. From property assessments to tax information and beyond, this session promises to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in homeownership.

May 9: Real Estate Professionals

As real estate professionals, you serve as the front-line experts in helping people find their most treasured asset…their home. Buyers and Sellers rely on you to find not only the best property for their dollar, but to also offer information and resources to ensure that their investment is a wise one. The Pinellas County Property Appraiser’s Office works in partnership with all real estate industry professionals to provide them with tips, tools, and information about Florida Tax Law to keep real estate industry experts in the know and at the top of their game. No one wants our property owners to be caught off guard!

April 11: It's the Law!

The world of Florida property tax law can be a minefield of perplexing rules and regulations, and often times mistakes are made in deed transfers, exemptions, and understanding how portability and Save Our Homes work. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so property owners aren’t caught off guard when the tax bill arrives in November! 

March 14: Property Tax Process for Businesses

Businesses have an important role in the Florida Property Tax process, particularly when it comes to their tangible personal property. Tangible Personal property is everything other than real estate that has value, including furniture, fixtures, tools, machinery, household appliances, signs, equipment, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment and any other equipment. Anyone in possession of assets on January 1 who has a proprietorship/partnership/corporation or is a self-employed agent or contractor, must file each year. Property owners who lease, lend or rent property must also file a return with our office by April 1st, 2024.

February 15: Personal Exemptions

In this session, we will continue our discussion on exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce a homeowner's property tax liability! In addition to the popular Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation, some property owners may qualify for exemptions based on their age, income level, disability, and/or veteran or active military status. Join us for a discussion with Exemption Specialists who will guide you through the qualifying criteria for these tax-saving benefits and answer your questions! 

January 11: Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes

Property owners in Pinellas County may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability! In this session we will explain the popular Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation. Join us for a discussion with a panel of Exemption Specialists who will guide you through the qualifying criteria for these tax-saving benefits and answer your questions!

2023 Public Education Sessions
November 30: In the Weeds with Deeds

This presentation will focus on the importance of ownership and its relation to your property taxes. The method by which a person holds title and transfers title can have beneficial or detrimental effects upon the property taxes on real property within Florida.

We will discuss:

  • The most common forms of ownership for real property;
  • The effect different ownership will have on homestead exemption;
  • The different methods in which real property is transferred;
  • Trust ownership and homestead exemption;
  • Cap resets when they occur and when they don’t;
  • And more!

October 19: First-Time Florida Homeowners

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner, just acquired your first home in Florida or are presently in the home buying market, property tax law in our state can be confusing. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so you're not caught off guard when your tax bill arrives in November.

We'll break down the role of the Property Appraiser, Taxing Authorities and Tax Collector so you know who does what;

  • Explain how we value properties;
  • Explain how homestead exemption can save you money now, and well into the future;
  • Learn about the value of the Save Our Homes cap
  • Point out important tips when buying or selling a home;
  • And help you avoid common missteps

If you are a new homeowner in Pinellas County, this session may be of particular interest to you!

September 21: Tailored for You (Virtual Only)

Not sure how the new website can help you? If so, then this session is for you!

We want to answer YOUR questions and show how to navigate the website easily! We have a previous recorded session that goes over all the new features and resources from July 20 but this session is going to be focused on user scenarios that leverage the tools and power of the new site. This 100% virtual session is designed to benefit both the general public and power users alike.

August 17: Understanding Your Notice of Proposed Property Taxes

The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes, also referred to as Truth-in-Millage (TRIM) Notice, is a very important document relating to your proposed property value and taxes for the current year. Sent out to all property owners in late August, this document includes:

  • Market Value of the property
  • Property Tax Exemptions applied
  • Tax Rates from local taxing authorities
  • Date and time all taxing authorities hold hearings to adopt their tax rates and budgets

We know property owners have many questions when this document arrives in the mail, so this session is designed to answer some commonly asked questions and answer any specific questions you may have to prepare you for the arrival of the TRIM notice and the Tax Bill that arrives in November.

Homeowners and real estate professionals are highly encouraged to join!  

July 20: Introducing the NEW

Our new multi-functional and responsive website has been redeveloped to help all property owners better find the information and resources they need. File for Homestead, estimate future taxes, search comparable sales, use interactive maps – it’s all there at the NEW!

We want to make sure all our site visitors know where they can find the information that best suits their needs. Join us as we walk through the site and review its functions and resources. Additionally as we navigate through the site, you may even learn more about the roles and responsibilities of our office and Florida property tax law.

Homeowners and real estate professionals are highly encouraged to join!

June 22: First-Time Florida Homeowners

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner, just acquired your first home in Florida or are presently in the home buying market, property tax law in our state can be confusing. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so you're not caught off guard when your tax bill arrives in November.

We'll break down the role of the Property Appraiser, Taxing Authorities and Tax Collector so you know who does what;

  • Explain how we value properties;
  • Explain how homestead exemption can save you money now, and well into the future;
  • Learn about the value of the Save Our Homes cap
  • Point out important tips when buying or selling a home;
  • And help you avoid common missteps

If you are a new homeowner in Pinellas County, this session may be of particular interest to you!

May 11: Real Estate Professionals

As real estate professionals, you serve as the front-line experts in helping people find their most treasured asset…their home. Buyers and Sellers rely on you to find not only the best property for their dollar, but to also offer information and resources to ensure that their investment is a wise one. The Pinellas County Property Appraiser’s Office works in partnership with all real estate industry professionals to provide them with tips, tools, and information about Florida Tax Law to keep real estate industry experts in the know and at the top of their game. No one wants our property owners to be caught off guard!

April 13: It's the Law!

The world of Florida property tax law can be a minefield of perplexing rules and regulations, and often times mistakes are made in deed transfers, exemptions, and understanding how portability and Save Our Homes work. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so property owners aren’t caught off guard when the tax bill arrives in November! 

Homeowners and legal/title professionals will learn a lot from this informative session!

March 9: Property Tax Process for Businesses

Businesses have an important role in the Florida Property Tax process, particularly when it comes to their tangible personal property. Tangible Personal property is everything other than real estate that has value, including furniture, fixtures, tools, machinery, household appliances, signs, equipment, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment and any other equipment. Anyone in possession of assets on January 1 who has a proprietorship/partnership/corporation or is a self-employed agent or contractor, must file each year. Property owners who lease, lend or rent property must also file a return with our office by April 1st, 2023.

This session is designed to help business owners, managers, CFOs, or CPAs understand the world of TPP and the state regulations for filing a TPP return.

February 9: Personal Exemptions

In this session, we will continue our discussion on exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce a homeowner's property tax liability! In addition to the popular Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation, some property owners may qualify for exemptions based on their age, income level, disability, and/or veteran or active military status. Join us for a discussion with Exemption Specialists who will guide you through the qualifying criteria for these tax-saving benefits and answer your questions!

January 12: Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes

Property owners in Pinellas County may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability! In this session we will explain the popular Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation. Join us for a discussion with a panel of Exemption Specialists who will guide you through the qualifying criteria for these tax-saving benefits and answer your questions!

2022 Public Education Sessions
October 13: First-Time Florida Homeowner

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner, just acquired your first home in Florida or are presently in the home buying market, property tax law in our state can be confusing. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so you're not caught off guard when your tax bill arrives in November.

We'll break down the role of the Property Appraiser, Taxing Authorities and Tax Collector so you know who does what;

  • Explain how we value properties;
  • Explain how homestead exemption can save you money now, and well into the future;
  • Point out important tips when buying or selling a home;
  • And help you avoid common missteps

If you are a new homeowner in Pinellas County, this session may be of particular interest to you!

September 8: Introducing the NEW (Virtual Only Webinar)

Have you visited our NEW website? Our new multi-functional and responsive site has been redeveloped to help all property owners better find the information and resources they need. File for Homestead, estimate future taxes, search comparable sales, use interactive maps – it’s all there at the NEW! We want to make sure all our site visitors know where they can find the information that best suits their needs. Join us as we walk through the site and review its functions and resources.

This webinar will be virtual only (no software installation required) for all participants to have a 'front row seat' to see all the enhancements. As we walk through the website, you may even learn more about the roles and responsibilities of our office as well as Florida property tax law.

Homeowners and real estate professionals are highly encouraged to join!

August 11: Understanding Your Notice of Proposed Property Taxes

The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes, also referred to as Truth-in-Millage (TRIM) Notice, is a very important document relating to your proposed property value and taxes for the current year. Sent out to all property owners in late August, this document includes:

  • Market Value of the property
  • Property Tax Exemptions applied
  • Tax Rates from local taxing authorities
  • Date and time all taxing authorities hold hearings to adopt their tax rates and budgets

We know property owners have many questions when this document arrives in the mail, so this session is designed to answer some commonly asked questions and answer any specific questions you may have to prepare you for the arrival of the TRIM notice and the Tax Bill that arrives in November.

If you are a new homeowner in Pinellas County, this session may be of particular interest to you!

July 14: First-Time Florida Homeowners

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner, just acquired your first home in Florida or are presently in the home buying market, property tax law in our state can be confusing. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so you're not caught off guard when your tax bill arrives in November.

We'll break down the role of the Property Appraiser, Taxing Authorities and Tax Collector so you know who does what;

  • Explain how we value properties;
  • Explain how homestead exemption can save you money now, and well into the future;
  • Point out important tips when buying or selling a home;
  • And help you avoid common missteps

If you are a new homeowner in Pinellas County, this session may be of particular interest to you!

June 9: Real Estate Professionals

As real estate professionals, you serve as the front-line experts in helping people find their most treasured asset…their home. Buyers and Sellers rely on you to find not only the best property for their dollar, but to also offer information and resources to ensure that their investment is a wise one. The Pinellas County Property Appraiser’s Office works in partnership with all real estate industry professionals to provide them with tips, tools, and information about Florida Tax Law to keep real estate industry experts in the know and at the top of their game. No one wants our property owners to be caught off guard!

Our presentation is geared towards anyone within the real estate industry (such sales agents, brokers, title agents, attorneys, mortgage lenders) and Pinellas County Property Appraiser Mike Twitty will review essential information from our office that could help your sellers and buyers including our Tax Estimator, “cap resets”, exemptions, portability, and important dates to know when buying and selling a home. Mr. Twitty and members of his team will also answer your specific questions

May 12: Introducing the NEW

Have you visited our NEW website? Our new multi-functional and responsive site has been redeveloped to help all property owners better find the information and resources they need. File for Homestead, estimate future taxes, search comparable sales, use interactive maps – it’s all there at the NEW!

We want to make sure all our site visitors know where they can find the information that best suits their needs. (We may even reveal some shortcuts and “easter eggs”!) Join us as we walk through the site and review its functions and resources.

As we go through the site, you may even learn more about the roles and responsibilities of our office as well as Florida property tax law.

Homeowners and real estate professionals are highly encouraged to join!

April 14: It's the Law!

The world of Florida property tax law can be a minefield of perplexing rules and regulations, and often times mistakes are made in deed transfers, exemptions, and understanding how portability and Save Our Homes work. Let us break down Florida's property tax law so property owners aren’t caught off guard when the tax bill arrives in November!

Homeowners and legal/title professionals will learn a lot from this informative session!

March 10: Businesses and PAO

Businesses play an important part in the Florida Property Tax process, particularly when it comes to their tangible personal property. Tangible Personal property is everything other than real estate that has value, including furniture, fixtures, tools, machinery, household appliances, signs, equipment, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment and any other equipment. Anyone in possession of assets on January 1 who has a proprietorship/partnership/corporation or is a self-employed agent or contractor, must file each year. Property owners who lease, lend or rent property must also file a return with our office by April 1st, 2021.

This session is designed to help business owners, managers, CFOs, or CPAs understand the world of TPP and the state regulations for filing a TPP return.

February 10: Exemptions Part 2

In this session, we will continue our discussion on exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce a homeowner's property tax liability! In addition to the popular Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation, some property owners may qualify for exemptions based on their age, income level, disability, and/or veteran or active military status. Join us for a discussion with a panel of Exemption Specialists who will guide you through the qualifying criteria for these tax-saving benefits and answer your questions!

This session will cover information for all homeowners.

January 13: Exemptions Part 1

Property owners in Pinellas County, particularly seniors and veterans, may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability! In addition to the popular Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation, some property owners may qualify for exemptions based on their age, income level, disability, and/or veteran or active military status. Join us for a discussion with a panel of Exemption Specialists who will guide you through the qualifying criteria for these tax-saving benefits and answer your questions!

This session will cover information for seniors and veterans.